- Served as a Trademark expert witness for Defendant, Shaw’s Services, LLC in Civil Action No. 3:21-cv-00543-TJC-JRK in the United States District Court Middle District of Florida (Jacksonville Division) (Shaw’s Tree Service, A Florida LLC v Shaw’s Services, LLC)
- Served as a Patent expert witness for Defendant, Erosion Prevention Products LLC and Lee Smith in Civil Action No. 4:20-cv-3557 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston Division) (PAVE/LOCK/PLUS II, LLC v Erosion Prevention Products LLC and Lee Smith)
- Identified as a Patent expert witness by Defendant, Nashwa Holt, inCase No. 125719-FL Consolidated with Case No. 110828-FL in theCircuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland (Eric F. Holt v. Nashwa Holt).
- Served as a Trademark expert witness for Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant JFY Properties II, LLC (“JFY” or “Plaintiff”)) in Civil ActionNo: Civil Action No.: 1:17-cv-1653-ELH in the United States DistrictCourt for the District of Maryland (Northern Division) (JFYProperties II LLC v Obrecht Commercial Real Estate, Inc., et al. andGunther Land, LLC.
Served as a Trademark expert witness for Defendant PremiereMarketing, LLC in Civil Action No. 3-19-cv-3022 in the UnitedStates District Court for the Northern District of Texas (DallasDivision) (Transparent Energy, LLC v Premiere Marketing, LLC)
Please contact us for expert witness services.