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Purchase All About Trademarks
All About My Invention
An Inventor's Planner & Journal

January - March

April - June

July - September

October - December
All About My Invention
An Inventor's Planner & Journal

While inventors can have great ideas and know everything about their inventions, they often don’t know how to go about protecting those inventions. They try to get patents to protect their intellectual property but make avoidable mistakes and spend unnecessary money— and sometimes invest their life savings in inventions that are not patentable or lose their intellectual property to invention scamming companies.
For people who need help navigating the patent office, All About Inventing Everything You Need To Know About Patents From a Former USPTO Patent Examiner & Patent Attorney is invaluable.Andrea Hence Evans, former patent examiner at the USPTO and current patent attorney, has written this book to explain different types of patents, patent prosecution, how to avoid and correct rejections, and more! This book will help you understand your options to protect your invention and help you navigate your patent application through the USPTO.

Protecting your trademark is critical. Often business owners do not register trademarks federally at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) because they are unsure of how to do so or because they do not understand the benefits of registering. It is more costly to not register- you may be required to change the name and destroy all goods, pay damages and pay your profits if it is determined that you are infringing on someone else’s trademark.
In All About Trademarks: Everything You Need to Know About Trademarks from a Former USPTO Trademark Examining Attorney, Andrea Hence Evans, Esq. uses her extensive experience and expertise in trademark law to provide you with the tools you need to understand how to protect your trademark at the USPTO and how to avoid making common mistakes. This book is sure to help anyone looking to register their trademark and to help readers to understand how to navigate a trademark application successfully through the USPTO process.

An Inventor's Planner & Journal
October - December
January- March
Andrea Hence Evans, Esq.

Are you an inventor? Is all of your information about your invention in one place? Did you document important dates? Who did you talk to and when? I’m sure you have so many of these questions and more! Finally, there is a solution – ALL ABOUT MY INVENTION AN INVENTORS PLANNER & JOURNAL by Attorney Andrea Hence Evans. These quarterly planners & journals were written to help you stay organized, focused and prepared throughout your invention process. Each book will assist you in collecting all of your important information about your invention and help you to document it in one place. These Planners & Journals combine over a decade of educational experience, work experience, and hands-on patent examination experience to help inventors. It's the FIRST book of its kind!